4 Ocak 2023 Çarşamba

(28 December- 1 January) Week14 😢


    This is my last blog page this week. When I started this job, frankly, I was nervous about who would write this blog because I had never had such an experience before, but now I regret to say that I wish I could pay more attention to my blog page.

    I wanted to say goodbye to Bilbo Baggins, a character from my favorite fictional universe, Middle-earth. My goal this week is to try to explain how happy I am to take the Instructional Technologies course. This week, the teacher of this course, together with my dear teacher Tülin Haşlaman, took a look at our final project and told us our shortcomings one by one. That's why I thank her very much. We tried to finish our project in line with what our teacher said and we believe that it has become complete.

At the beginning of the semester, I didn't know that I would be so happy to take this course because even though we are in technology, I saw that we still have problems about how we should integrate technological tools into our education life. I believe that I have successfully overcome these problems, one by one, under the guidance of my teacher, Ms. Tülin Haşlaman. I believe that in the following years, thanks to the knowledge I have learned from this course, I will be able to produce effective works both in my education life and in my business life. I hope that I have succeeded in satisfying you, my esteemed followers and my teacher Tülin. Thank you for everything. Stay with Love <3

25 Aralık 2022 Pazar

(20-27 December) Week13


    We had a very quick start to this week because it's a new topic and we need to be fast. I'm going to tell you how to be fast this week. My goal this week is to speed up our final project.

    If you are doing a group assignment and it is your final assignment, it is very important to integrate and cooperate with the group members, but there may be times when everyone has to work independently and produce a perfect product. That's exactly what happened this week.

    We first designed an imaginary teacher and named her Lola. Lola would help us explain our lesson to our younger students. Then we quickly moved on to other matters. One of us prepared the survey, another prepared the website, and another prepared the presentation and other tools, quickly started our final project. In a few days, everything was ready in a way I can say completely. I thank my group mates for their dedication. While preparing the assignment, we did everything necessary for all the tools as they should, and I think everything will be better.

                                                                                                                  Stay with Love<3

17 Aralık 2022 Cumartesi

(12-19 December) Week12


    Hello everyone again and I'm back this week. As in the last weeks, I will continue my blog by explaining our final project this week. Before we start, I would like to say that we have decided to change our other subject, addiction.

    The biggest factor in making this decision was the complexity of the subject we chose. We realized that we had difficulty integrating it into the course materials. Especially in the storytelling part, it is safe to say that we did not fully think about how we could prepare a story about addiction.

We decided to tell the seasons by changing our subject very quickly. It would be much more comfortable for us to talk about this subject in addition to a broad and detailed topic such as addiction. At least we hoped so. Even though we felt like we were back to the beginning, we progressed very well with the comfort of the topic we chose. We got a lot of things ready in a few days. At this rate, all the necessary materials in a week, namely; We can handle important parts like Website, Canva presentation, Kahoot, Survey.

This is how I can summarize this week.                                            Love...

8 Aralık 2022 Perşembe

(5-11 December) Week11


    This week started off perfectly. I won't be able to explain exactly why, but everything is perfect for now. Even beyond perfect. My purpose for writing the blog this week is to continue talking about our work on what we did in our final project.

    This week we've focused on our website because if you're designing a site and you want visitors to like it, you need to have a beautifully designed site. On the other hand, I can say that we thought a lot about how to use other technology tools and how to integrate them into our lessons.

    We continued to do the survey, what we should pay attention to while preparing Kahoot, and all other things by looking at the rubric. Everything was going very well in accordance with the rubric.When we got to the storytelling part, we started to see that we were stunned. I guess we didn't get the idea from working hard. We decided to do this part with the condition that we research it later. Let's see what happens next week.

                                                                                                                Stay with love <3

1 Aralık 2022 Perşembe

(28 November- 4 December) Week10


    My goal this week will be to talk about what we did on our final project. The idea of what we would do in general was already in our minds, but reflecting this as a lesson was the main part of the job and I had some question marks in my mind.

    At the beginning of this question mark, we had how to convey the topic as a presentation because none of the group members are competent in their field and the topic we chose was not just a topic. The idea of teaching addiction as a lesson was good and everything became clear from the moment we started preparing the lesson template. This is exactly what I wanted, actually. We quickly started preparing the course template first, then the website and other materials. When you put it on solid ground, everything flows really fast. We had prepared almost all of our course content in about a week, only the educational games, survey, and storytelling part remained.

    We closed this week in this way and I believe it was productive, see you in the next weeks.
                                                                                                                            Stay with love...

25 Kasım 2022 Cuma

(21-27 November) Week9


        My goal this week will be to tell you what we thought about our Final project and what I did on the other days because this week was a week with not only our Instructional Technologies course but also important events.

    First of all, we had a more detailed discussion about our final project and talked about which applications and how we should use those applications. The idea of using Canva for a slideshow was great because Canva is an app with unique designs. With the Kahoot application, we would be able to have information about how much our lesson was understood and we would be able to improve ourselves in this context. Thanks to Google Surveys, we will be able to get feedback in the same way. All we had to do was do detailed research and start preparing our Web page. Everything looked fine. The first days of the week passed like this.

    Afterwards, we brought a speaker to the Nature Sports community, of which I am a member, and organized a nice seminar. The number of participants and the feedback were very positive.

    The most important part of this week for me was the 24 November Teachers' Day. This special day was celebrated with enthusiasm in our country. I feel very strange on national holidays like this. I don't know why, but it fills me with a bittersweet joy. I'm not sure, but it could be because of this. Although I say it was celebrated with enthusiasm, I think that the old enthusiasm is gone and it is slowly disappearing. I think we are the last generation to know these values. I hope that we can transfer these values ​​to future generations and we will never lose our national identity and identity.

22 Kasım 2022 Salı

(14-20 November) Google Survey Week8


                     I say hello to everyone from a brand new week. This week, I would like to briefly talk about what Google Surveys is, how it is done, and for what purpose.

                    Thanks to Google Surveys, you can prepare questions and send them to people in many areas or on any subject you are curious about, so you can find out what people think on average.

                     Surveys already have a very important place in our lives. Before promoting a product or even promoting an ad, you can get the opinion of a certain audience without introducing people and get more benefits from your product.

                    To prepare a Google Survey, you must first have a Gmail account and log in to that account. After logging into your Google account, you can perform the first step of creating a survey from the google forms section.

                    On the blank page that comes up, we can start creating the survey. You can fill out your survey quickly and easily by filling out our survey title, questions, answer options, and options such as question-answer type. There are many options in question answering types, such as multiple choice, drop-down menus, and checkboxes. There is also the option to add images to the options. In short, I think preparing a survey is a very enjoyable job.

                    In the graduation project of our Instructional Technologies course, we also need to use Google surveys, so why? Imagine being a new teacher and preparing a presentation on any topic for your students. At the end of everything, wouldn't you want to improve the lesson and yourself in this context by seeing how much the lesson was understood or all the positive/negative criticisms about the lesson? I think you would. Considering these, we are considering preparing a Google survey and we believe that it will guide us in seeing the pros and cons in the presentation we will prepare for our graduation project. The questions we will prepare should be in accordance with the content and flow of the course so that the answers of the interviewers can be useful.

                I can use Google Surveys in so many areas that I can use it not only for my homework, but also when I need to collect data about what people think in a study related to my department. For example, by preparing a detailed questionnaire about the causes of smoking addiction, I can obtain information about why this addiction started, in which age group it is common, and more. This is just one example that I have given and this may vary from case to case.

                                                                                               See you next week. Stay with love...



(28 December- 1 January) Week14 😢

LAST TIME HELLO EVERYONE!      This is my last blog page this week. When I started this job, frankly, I was nervous about who would write th...