1 Aralık 2022 Perşembe

(28 November- 4 December) Week10


    My goal this week will be to talk about what we did on our final project. The idea of what we would do in general was already in our minds, but reflecting this as a lesson was the main part of the job and I had some question marks in my mind.

    At the beginning of this question mark, we had how to convey the topic as a presentation because none of the group members are competent in their field and the topic we chose was not just a topic. The idea of teaching addiction as a lesson was good and everything became clear from the moment we started preparing the lesson template. This is exactly what I wanted, actually. We quickly started preparing the course template first, then the website and other materials. When you put it on solid ground, everything flows really fast. We had prepared almost all of our course content in about a week, only the educational games, survey, and storytelling part remained.

    We closed this week in this way and I believe it was productive, see you in the next weeks.
                                                                                                                            Stay with love...

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(28 December- 1 January) Week14 😢

LAST TIME HELLO EVERYONE!      This is my last blog page this week. When I started this job, frankly, I was nervous about who would write th...