22 Kasım 2022 Salı

(14-20 November) Google Survey Week8


                     I say hello to everyone from a brand new week. This week, I would like to briefly talk about what Google Surveys is, how it is done, and for what purpose.

                    Thanks to Google Surveys, you can prepare questions and send them to people in many areas or on any subject you are curious about, so you can find out what people think on average.

                     Surveys already have a very important place in our lives. Before promoting a product or even promoting an ad, you can get the opinion of a certain audience without introducing people and get more benefits from your product.

                    To prepare a Google Survey, you must first have a Gmail account and log in to that account. After logging into your Google account, you can perform the first step of creating a survey from the google forms section.

                    On the blank page that comes up, we can start creating the survey. You can fill out your survey quickly and easily by filling out our survey title, questions, answer options, and options such as question-answer type. There are many options in question answering types, such as multiple choice, drop-down menus, and checkboxes. There is also the option to add images to the options. In short, I think preparing a survey is a very enjoyable job.

                    In the graduation project of our Instructional Technologies course, we also need to use Google surveys, so why? Imagine being a new teacher and preparing a presentation on any topic for your students. At the end of everything, wouldn't you want to improve the lesson and yourself in this context by seeing how much the lesson was understood or all the positive/negative criticisms about the lesson? I think you would. Considering these, we are considering preparing a Google survey and we believe that it will guide us in seeing the pros and cons in the presentation we will prepare for our graduation project. The questions we will prepare should be in accordance with the content and flow of the course so that the answers of the interviewers can be useful.

                I can use Google Surveys in so many areas that I can use it not only for my homework, but also when I need to collect data about what people think in a study related to my department. For example, by preparing a detailed questionnaire about the causes of smoking addiction, I can obtain information about why this addiction started, in which age group it is common, and more. This is just one example that I have given and this may vary from case to case.

                                                                                               See you next week. Stay with love...



2 yorum:

  1. How do you plan to use google survey in your final project?

  2. Also, in which direction would you consider using google survey in your academic studies?


(28 December- 1 January) Week14 😢

LAST TIME HELLO EVERYONE!      This is my last blog page this week. When I started this job, frankly, I was nervous about who would write th...