25 Kasım 2022 Cuma

(21-27 November) Week9


        My goal this week will be to tell you what we thought about our Final project and what I did on the other days because this week was a week with not only our Instructional Technologies course but also important events.

    First of all, we had a more detailed discussion about our final project and talked about which applications and how we should use those applications. The idea of using Canva for a slideshow was great because Canva is an app with unique designs. With the Kahoot application, we would be able to have information about how much our lesson was understood and we would be able to improve ourselves in this context. Thanks to Google Surveys, we will be able to get feedback in the same way. All we had to do was do detailed research and start preparing our Web page. Everything looked fine. The first days of the week passed like this.

    Afterwards, we brought a speaker to the Nature Sports community, of which I am a member, and organized a nice seminar. The number of participants and the feedback were very positive.

    The most important part of this week for me was the 24 November Teachers' Day. This special day was celebrated with enthusiasm in our country. I feel very strange on national holidays like this. I don't know why, but it fills me with a bittersweet joy. I'm not sure, but it could be because of this. Although I say it was celebrated with enthusiasm, I think that the old enthusiasm is gone and it is slowly disappearing. I think we are the last generation to know these values. I hope that we can transfer these values ​​to future generations and we will never lose our national identity and identity.

22 Kasım 2022 Salı

(14-20 November) Google Survey Week8


                     I say hello to everyone from a brand new week. This week, I would like to briefly talk about what Google Surveys is, how it is done, and for what purpose.

                    Thanks to Google Surveys, you can prepare questions and send them to people in many areas or on any subject you are curious about, so you can find out what people think on average.

                     Surveys already have a very important place in our lives. Before promoting a product or even promoting an ad, you can get the opinion of a certain audience without introducing people and get more benefits from your product.

                    To prepare a Google Survey, you must first have a Gmail account and log in to that account. After logging into your Google account, you can perform the first step of creating a survey from the google forms section.

                    On the blank page that comes up, we can start creating the survey. You can fill out your survey quickly and easily by filling out our survey title, questions, answer options, and options such as question-answer type. There are many options in question answering types, such as multiple choice, drop-down menus, and checkboxes. There is also the option to add images to the options. In short, I think preparing a survey is a very enjoyable job.

                    In the graduation project of our Instructional Technologies course, we also need to use Google surveys, so why? Imagine being a new teacher and preparing a presentation on any topic for your students. At the end of everything, wouldn't you want to improve the lesson and yourself in this context by seeing how much the lesson was understood or all the positive/negative criticisms about the lesson? I think you would. Considering these, we are considering preparing a Google survey and we believe that it will guide us in seeing the pros and cons in the presentation we will prepare for our graduation project. The questions we will prepare should be in accordance with the content and flow of the course so that the answers of the interviewers can be useful.

                I can use Google Surveys in so many areas that I can use it not only for my homework, but also when I need to collect data about what people think in a study related to my department. For example, by preparing a detailed questionnaire about the causes of smoking addiction, I can obtain information about why this addiction started, in which age group it is common, and more. This is just one example that I have given and this may vary from case to case.

                                                                                               See you next week. Stay with love...



20 Kasım 2022 Pazar

(07-13 November) Midterm Week Week7



                    In this week I have any purpose for you because I have many exams and I need to work on a lot of papers for that reason. That's why I needed your prayers. 📿😅

                    I looked like Eddard Stark in this photo 😂. If you do not know Lord Stark I suggest watching to you Game of Thrones.

                    If you don't want to look like this, I recommend that you do not leave the materials you have to the last day to study for the exams because you have to look at so many papers that your head is almost like soup.

                    I studied all the exams as best I could and I think the result will not be bad. I hope I'm right.


                       While studying for the exams, I bought all the necessary materials from the stationery and studied the places I did not understand, respectively. Since I started working a little late, I could not complete all the subjects, but I believe that I have made great progress.

                       On the other hand, we created a general outline about our graduation project for our ED_201 course. I cannot say that we thought deeply about the subject of our lesson while creating this outline, but I think it is a good subject. When we decided to do the subject of addiction, we all thought it would do us good. We talked about how the content of our lesson should be, which age group it will appeal to, how many weeks it will take, and what instructional technologies we will use while preparing the lesson, and we created the framework in general. our final project.

                                                            See you next week stay with love...

(31-06 November) Canva Week6


                My purpose in this blog is to briefly introduce Canva to you. When people dealing with any industry want to make a new idea or presentation on any subject, they want to present with beautiful designs that will attract people's attention. Canva is an ideal app for this situation.

                Canva is a platform that was founded in 2012 in Australia. Canva is a platform where members can prepare presentations, create visual content, and create designs for social media posts.
                When I started the course, I learned about Canva by watching videos about Canva on Coursera. I understand how Canva works in general. I can say that I learned the interface of Canva and how it should be used thanks to Coursera. In addition, after the Coursera videos, I increased my knowledge on this subject by doing more detailed research on Google. Let's take a quick look at them together.

                It is very easy to design from Canva, which has many features such as Banner, Slider, Social media designs. Even people without any design knowledge can design easily and quickly using Canva.
                As everyone knows, the design varies according to the platform and needs. People who want to design with Canva can design according to almost any field that needs design. Canva is a platform where you can prepare business cards, issue certificates, and satisfy the user with its presentations with many features that I can't count yet.

                In addition, the Canva app is a very convenient app for many people, from middle school to college age, and even business life. With countless presentation opportunities, students can easily use this application in their homework and employees in their business presentations. In this context, using canva has many benefits in our daily lives.

                                                                                        See you next week, stay with love...

(28 December- 1 January) Week14 😢

LAST TIME HELLO EVERYONE!      This is my last blog page this week. When I started this job, frankly, I was nervous about who would write th...