20 Ekim 2022 Perşembe

(17-23 October) Instructional Software for 21st Century Teaching Week4

 Hello again!
     This week we talked about
Instructional Software for 21st Century Teaching. The world is changing and this change is happening very quickly with technological developments. Thanks to these developments, we can call today's world the world of technology. If we want to live in this world, we must keep up with the developing technology world. We can say that software plays an important role in these developments. If it weren't for the software, I wouldn't be able to write this blog right now. The world is transitioning to the world of software.

    If we talk about Instructional Software for 21st Century Teaching, we cannot pass without mentioning a name like Seymour Papert. Papert, the founder of the logo programming language, has contributed greatly to the development of software today. If learning becomes easier thanks to instructional technologies today, it would not be a lie if we say that the logo programming language was the beginning. Finally, we took a look at the networked systems. If I'm not mistaken, star topology is the most used in our country.

    When we came to the end of the week, we created an account on the site called coursera, watched the instructional videos there, and joined a group for the group assignment we would do throughout the semester. This is how I ended the week.

                                                                Stay with love and music see you next week...


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