25 Ekim 2022 Salı

(24-30 October) Multimedia Design Week5

                                      HELLO EVERYONE!

     We started this week with the topic of multimedia design. My aim in this article is to briefly explain the important issues when the multimedia design is being made.
In the beginning, we touched on the principles of visual design. These principles are grouped under four headings. We can say these as alignment, contrast, emphasis, and unity.

    Alignment simply means the ordering of text on a page or whatever is on that page. Contrast is the difference in brightness or color that makes an object distinguishable. Although we do not see the other principles of visual design titles, it is helpful to know that they also include them. We can also say that the other important factors of graphic design are emphasis and unity.

    Contrast simply means the highest to lowest brightness ratio in a picture. In visual perception of the real world, contrast is determined by the difference in color and brightness of the object and other objects in the same field of view.

    The emphasis, as the name suggests, is done to emphasize and attract the attention of the viewer.

    Unity takes the integrity of the design. The principle of integrity is not to deal with the design piecemeal, but to make sense of it completely. The most indispensable principle of good design is integrity.

                    When we looked at Coursera, we talked about how to design and develop effective learning technologies. We talked about how we can adapt students to this developing world of technology, namely e-learning. We looked at technologies tailored to the needs of older people. We learned about the distance design frameworks we need to learn to design effective, technology-enhanced, and active learning environments.

                    In module 4, we looked at Cognitive Load Theory, which leads the design and development of effective, technology-enhanced and active learning environments and learning technologies. We learned about this theory's tips on how we can maximize students' capacities. It has been observed that people living in poverty have a higher cognitive load than people with middle and upper socioeconomic income levels. In this context, the economic level is an important factor for people not to carry this burden. We should also look at it in terms of the consequences of the economic level, because poor people think more about many things than rich people, so their cognitive load is higher. In other words, if there is a person who is poor but doesn't worry too much about their problems, that person is likely to have a low cognitive load.

This week, we covered them in general.

                                                                        See you next week. Stay with love <3

20 Ekim 2022 Perşembe

(17-23 October) Instructional Software for 21st Century Teaching Week4

 Hello again!
     This week we talked about
Instructional Software for 21st Century Teaching. The world is changing and this change is happening very quickly with technological developments. Thanks to these developments, we can call today's world the world of technology. If we want to live in this world, we must keep up with the developing technology world. We can say that software plays an important role in these developments. If it weren't for the software, I wouldn't be able to write this blog right now. The world is transitioning to the world of software.

    If we talk about Instructional Software for 21st Century Teaching, we cannot pass without mentioning a name like Seymour Papert. Papert, the founder of the logo programming language, has contributed greatly to the development of software today. If learning becomes easier thanks to instructional technologies today, it would not be a lie if we say that the logo programming language was the beginning. Finally, we took a look at the networked systems. If I'm not mistaken, star topology is the most used in our country.

    When we came to the end of the week, we created an account on the site called coursera, watched the instructional videos there, and joined a group for the group assignment we would do throughout the semester. This is how I ended the week.

                                                                Stay with love and music see you next week...


13 Ekim 2022 Perşembe

(10-16 October) Introducing Myself Week3

 Hello everyone,
I am Burak Ertürk. This is my first blog page and what should I say I do not know because of this situation. I guess I can introduce myself shortly. I am 23 and this university is my second university. I quit my first univeristy because I do not like my departmant then I do not like the university and city. This situation came one after another as if it was chained. After all that, I got ready the university exam again and I started to TED university. I love music and I am playing the guitar. When I get bored on daily tasks I start to play my guitar and it is very relaxable thing for me. I can say about my learning habits, frankly, I am a person who can learn the lesson in class, but I think I lost this feature over the years, unfortunately. Of course, people don't learn in one way, but I remember the old days when I was a much brighter student. While I am currently studying for a lesson, when there is a factor that I do not want in the environment, it can disturb me and I lose my focus on that lesson. If my focus is not lost, I prefer to study by reading together with the materials I have about the course and researching the smallest detail that I do not understand because it is more permanent that way.
I love my friends. I love hang out with they. In the future time i will continue to talk about myself and my course. Thank you for now. See you soon.

6 Ekim 2022 Perşembe

(3-9 October) First Blogging Week2

 Hello everyone,

This is my first blog page. I will share my experiences and knowledge about the Instructional Technologies Course as soon as possible. I am excited about that. I hope you follow me and wait for my blog page. 

                                                                                            See you soon

                                                                                                        Stay with love <3

(28 December- 1 January) Week14 😢

LAST TIME HELLO EVERYONE!      This is my last blog page this week. When I started this job, frankly, I was nervous about who would write th...