4 Ocak 2023 Çarşamba

(28 December- 1 January) Week14 😢


    This is my last blog page this week. When I started this job, frankly, I was nervous about who would write this blog because I had never had such an experience before, but now I regret to say that I wish I could pay more attention to my blog page.

    I wanted to say goodbye to Bilbo Baggins, a character from my favorite fictional universe, Middle-earth. My goal this week is to try to explain how happy I am to take the Instructional Technologies course. This week, the teacher of this course, together with my dear teacher Tülin Haşlaman, took a look at our final project and told us our shortcomings one by one. That's why I thank her very much. We tried to finish our project in line with what our teacher said and we believe that it has become complete.

At the beginning of the semester, I didn't know that I would be so happy to take this course because even though we are in technology, I saw that we still have problems about how we should integrate technological tools into our education life. I believe that I have successfully overcome these problems, one by one, under the guidance of my teacher, Ms. Tülin Haşlaman. I believe that in the following years, thanks to the knowledge I have learned from this course, I will be able to produce effective works both in my education life and in my business life. I hope that I have succeeded in satisfying you, my esteemed followers and my teacher Tülin. Thank you for everything. Stay with Love <3

(28 December- 1 January) Week14 😢

LAST TIME HELLO EVERYONE!      This is my last blog page this week. When I started this job, frankly, I was nervous about who would write th...